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Press Release
Contact: Gail Fisk Malone
Assistant United States Attorney
Tel: (207) 945-0373
Bangor, Maine: U.S. Attorney Thomas E. Delahanty II and Bruce Foucart, Special
Agent in Charge for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security
Investigations (HSI) in Boston will hold a joint press conference on April 8, 2014, at 3:30 p.m. at
the U.S. Attorney’s Office, located at 202 Harlow Street, Room 111, in Bangor, regarding the
sentencing of Margaret Kimani, 30, of Worcester, Massachusetts, and the marriage fraud
conspiracy investigation that has resulted in felony convictions of 28 defendants in Maine since
2010. Launched in 2005 by HSI, the investigation identified over 40 sham marriages in the
Lewiston/Auburn and Newport areas between U.S. citizens from Maine and nationals of Kenya,
Uganda, Zambia and Cameroon. The Maine residents were paid to marry the foreign nationals
and to assist them in fraudulently seeking to obtain a marriage-based change in their immigration
status to that of a lawful permanent resident, or green card holder.
The press conference will be video-conferenced to the U.S. Attorney’s Office located at
100 Middle Street, East Tower, 6th Floor, in Portland. Members of the press in the southern part
of the State may attend in Portland.