Contact Us
United States Attorney’s Office
100 Middle Street, East Tower, 6th Floor
Portland, ME 04101
Telephone: (207) 780-3257
Fax: (207) 780-3304
TTY: 711
United States Attorney’s Office
202 Harlow Street, Room 111
Bangor, ME 04401
Telephone: (207) 945-0373
Fax: (207) 945-0319
TTY: 711
To report a crime or to seek help please see the Report a Crime page.
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PLEASE NOTE: The United States Attorney's Office does not respond to non-technical inquiries made to this e-mail address. If you wish to make a request for information, you may contact our office at (207) 780-3257, or you may send a written inquiry to the United States Attorney's Office, 100 Middle Street, East Tower, 6th Floor, Portland, ME 04101.