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Press Release
FortWayne,IN C TheUnited States Attorney's Office announced that a Grand Jury sitting in Fort Wayne, Indiana, returnedthe following Indictment on May 22, 2013:
DavidWilliams,28,ofFortWayne,Indiana,is chargedinasinglecountIndictmentwith making a false statement on an FFL application onor about February 15, 2013.This charge was filed as a result of an investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the Fort Wayne Police Department.Thiscasehasbeenassignedtoandwillbeprosecutedby Assistant United States Attorney Tina L. Nommay.
TheUnitedStatesAttorney'sOfficeemphasizedthatanIndictmentismerelyanallegation and that all persons charged are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in court.
If convicted in court, any specific sentence to be imposed willbedetermined by the judge after a consideration of federal sentencing statutes and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.