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Region 1 : Local Section 341 Meeting Information

Important Notice

Virtual Section 341 Meeting of Creditors Information for Chapter 7, 12, and 13 Cases

Friday, November 8, 2024

The District of Massachusetts (Central and Western Divisions) is implementing virtual section 341 meetings of creditors (“341 meetings”) for all chapter 7, 12, and 13 cases filed on or after November 23, 2024. These virtual 341 meetings will be held by video conference, which will be conducted through the Zoom platform, beginning on or after December 18, 2024.

The U.S. Trustee may approve alternative arrangements for 341 meetings when extenuating circumstances exist that preclude a debtor’s attendance by video. In addition, in rare cases, the U.S. Trustee may determine that an in-person 341 meeting is necessary. In the event of an in-person 341 meeting, the meeting will be held at an alternate 341 meeting location that can be found here.

To return to the U.S. Trustee Program Section 341 Meeting of Creditors Information page, click here.

Telephonic Section 341 Meeting of Creditors Information for Chapter 11 Cases

Chapter 11 section 341 meetings of creditors will continue to be held telephonically until further notice. Information for joining the meeting can be found on section 6 (section 7 for subchapter V cases) of the Notice of Bankruptcy Case (Official Form 309) that you received from the Bankruptcy Court.


General 341 Meeting Information for Chapter 7, 12, and 13 Cases in the District of Massachusetts (Central and Western Divisions)

Information needed to join a virtual 341 meeting

To join the virtual 341 meeting, participants will need the Meeting ID, Passcode, and phone number if joining by audio only, assigned to the presiding trustee in the case. Individual Meeting IDs, Passcodes, phone numbers, and meeting links assigned to each trustee can be found here. For detailed instructions for joining a virtual 341 meeting via Zoom, click here.


Trustee Contact and Zoom 341 Meeting Information for Chapter 7, 12, and 13 Cases
Trustee Name &
Contact Information
Meeting ID
Phone Number
Meeting Link
Chapter 7:
Baldiga, Joseph H.

1800 West Park Drive
Suite 400
Westborough, MA 01581-3926
(508) 898-1501
925 836 947868227172031 (413) 440-2889Baldiga Zoom Meeting Link
Goldsmith, Jonathan R.
1350 Main Street
Suite 1505
Springfield, MA 01103
(413) 747-0700
823 795 879638411941321 (413) 440-2580Goldsmith Zoom Meeting Link
Weiner, Gary M.
1441 Main Street
Suite 610
Springfield, MA 01103
(413) 732-6840
858 259 796972591905801 (413) 440-2611Weiner Zoom Meeting Link
Chapter 12:
Mawhinney, David

11 Pleasant Street
Suite 200
Worcester, MA 01601
(508) 791-3300
743 445 983858457791701 (413) 440-2795Mawhinney Zoom Meeting Link
Chapter 13:
Mawhinney, David

11 Pleasant Street
Suite 200
Worcester, MA 01601
(508) 791-3300
743 445 983858457791701 (413) 440-2795Mawhinney Zoom Meeting Link

In-Person Alternate 341 Meeting Locations
Chapter 7:

Sovereign Tower Building
446 Main Street
14th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608
Link to Map

For Debtors in the following counties: Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Worcester.
Chapter 11:

Sovereign Tower Building
446 Main Street
14th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608
Link to Map

For Debtors in the following counties: Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Worcester.
Chapter 12:

Sovereign Tower Building
446 Main Street
14th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608
Link to Map

For Debtors in the following counties: Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Worcester.
Chapter 13:

Sovereign Tower Building
446 Main Street
14th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608
Link to Map

For Debtors in the following counties: Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Worcester.


Updated December 19, 2024