Criminal Justice Coordination
Criminal Justice Coordination
ICITAP offers technical assistance and training—often in partnership with its sister organization, the Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance, and Training (OPDAT)—to help police, prosecutors, judges, and corrections professionals collaborate on initiatives to improve their criminal justice systems.
Here are a few examples of ICITAP's work around the globe in improving coordination across all sectors of the criminal justice system:
Comprehensive Justice Sector Development in Colombia
ICITAP is a partner in the U.S. Department of Justice's Plan Colombia Justice Sector Reform Program, an integrated criminal justice development program that moved Colombia from an inquisitorial to an adversarial model of criminal procedure in four years. ICITAP taught investigators, police officers, and forensic examiners how to serve as expert witnesses, particularly how to introduce testimony and physical evidence at trial.
New Legislative Tools to Fight Human Trafficking in Indonesia
In Indonesia, ICITAP and OPDAT provided guidance on witness protection and anti-human trafficking laws. These initiatives—along with increased effort by Indonesian law enforcement—resulted in a significant upgrade in 2007 to Indonesia's rating by the U.S. Department of State in its annual report on human trafficking.
Court Liaison Officer Program in Uganda
In Uganda, ICITAP supported collaboration among police, prosecutors, and judges, which led to a court liaison officer program that reduced case backlogs by expediting the delivery of arrest paperwork to prosecutors.