Multidisciplinary Team Resources
The Department of Justice is committed to investing in resources for professionals to optimize their response to elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. Below, browse through the resources developed specifically for elder justice professionals.
STAGES Curriculum
STAGES (Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety) curriculum to educate teams of judicial, justice and community professionals about financial exploitation and elder abuse.
Lifting Up the Voices of Older Survivors Videos and Discussion Guides
A collection of 9 training videos (15 min. appox.) featuring the voices of older survivors describing their experiences and insights regarding effective interventions. A discussion guide accompanies each video.
Elder Abuse Fatality Review Teams: A Replication Manual (Update)
The updated Replication Manual builds on the foundational 2007 Elder Abuse Fatality Review Teams Manual by enhancing and evaluating the capacity of these teams to improve systems. Evaluation Report.
Elder Justice Advocates Curriculum
Curriculum to transition victim advocates/victim assistance staff to elder justice advocates.
Elder Law Risk Detector
Online tool in which civil legal professionals ask clients a few questions and a risk level indicator for financial exploitation is returned that then allows professionals to more accurately assess the client’s situation.
Training and Videos
Financial exploitation investigation training for adult protective services; power of attorney training for professionals and for the general public; and a series of four videos sharing older victims’ experiences (one in Spanish and one in Navajo).
Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Team Quick Start Guide
The MDT Quick Start Guide highlights the most important steps needed to start an MDT in your area and provides links to the corresponding subject matter in our MDT Guide and Toolkit.
Online Training: Victim-Centered Solutions to Elder Financial Exploitation
This online course consists of a series of ten victim-centered, interactive web-based training modules for any elder justice professional covering trauma-informed promising practices for detecting and responding to elder financial exploitation.
SAFE: Safe Accessible Forensic Interviewing for Elders
Victim-centered forensic interviewing protocol for use with older adults grounded in forensic interviewing best practices.
Conservatorship Video Series
Two videos, one featuring information and resources for probate court staff and one for new conservators.
Elder Fraud Prevention and Response Networks Resources (CFPB)
Find resources to mobilize key stakeholders in your community to prevent, detect, and respond to elder financial abuse.
E-MDT Hybrid Facilitation Videos
This video series addresses the challenges of facilitating hybrid E-MDT meetings and ways to optimize the format.
Disclaimer: These projects were supported by cooperative agreements from the Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in these grant deliverables on this resource pages are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice.