Public Outreach
Customizable tools to create a community presentation.
Downloadable training materials, EJI flyers, additional public outreach materials and videos, and ways to encourage older adults to get involved in preventing financial exploitation.
Download EJI’s print-ready flyers in Chinese, English, Korean, Spanish, Russian, Tagalog and Vietnamese.
PowerPoints, speaker guides, handouts, flyers, and videos to use in community presentations.
Ways to Get Involved
Find ways older adults can help prevent financial exploitation.
MoneySmart for Older Adults
The curriculum consists of an Instructor Guide, PowerPoint slides, and a take-home resource guide for older adults. (FDIC)
Pass it On!
Share what you know to help protect someone you know from a scam. (FTC)
Work with law enforcement and community groups to make your community safer for older adults. (NSA)
Senior Medicare Patrol
Volunteer to show Medicare and Medicaid recipients how to protect against, detect, and report fraud. (ACL)
AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteers
Every year, over 170,000 AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers are matched with service opportunities offered by our partner organizations. (Find opportunities in your community through the Pathfinder)