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Department of Justice

Executive Office for Immigration Review

Monday, June 1, 2015

EOIR's Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer
Announces Extension of Electronic Filing Pilot Program

FALLS CHURCH, VA – The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) today announced the extension of the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer's (OCAHO) electronic filing pilot program for cases involving alleged unlawful employment of aliens, employment eligibility verification violations and unfair immigration-related employment practices (e.g., employment discrimination based on citizenship status or national origin).

Since May 30, 2014, EOIR has been conducting a voluntary pilot program to test an electronic filing system in cases filed with OCAHO. See The initial six-month pilot period ending on November 26, 2014, was extended until May 29, 2015. Due to increased effiencies, such as the rapid submission and transmission of pleadings, orders and decisions, cost savings in reduced mailings, and a significant increase in enrollment in the program, the electronic filing pilot program has now been extended indefinitely while OCAHO works toward implementation of a permanent e-filing system.

- EOIR -

The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) is an agency within the Department of Justice. Under delegated authority from the Attorney General, immigration judges and the Board of Immigration Appeals interpret and adjudicate immigration cases according to United States immigration laws. EOIR's immigration judges conduct administrative court proceedings in immigration courts located throughout the nation. They determine whether foreign-born individuals—whom the Department of Homeland Security charges with violating immigration law—should be ordered removed from the United States or should be granted relief from removal and be permitted to remain in this country. The Board of Immigration Appeals primarily reviews appeals of decisions by immigration judges. EOIR's Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer adjudicates immigration-related employment cases. EOIR is committed to ensuring fairness in all of the cases it adjudicates.

Executive Office for Immigration Review

Updated June 1, 2015