Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women Tribal Leaders Council
The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) established the Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women Tribal Leaders Council (OVW TLC or Council) to facilitate the exchange of views, information, and advice concerning the management or implementation of federal programs established pursuant to statute, including the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and its reauthorizations. The OVW TLC will provide a forum for discussion between OVW and federally recognized Tribal Government leaders, acting in their official capacities, further upholding Tribal sovereignty and the government-to-government relationship between the United States and Tribal Nations.
OVW TLC meetings will address the implementation of intergovernmental responsibilities related to federal programs under VAWA and related laws that affect Indian country and Alaska Native villages and enhance the safety of American Indian and Alaska Native survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, homicide, stalking, and sex trafficking. The OVW TLC also will provide information and advice that will assist with the OVW Deputy Director for Tribal Affairs’ statutory duty to advise the OVW Director concerning policies, legislation, and implementation of laws relating to federal programs addressing violence against American Indian and Alaska Native Women.
This newly established OVW TLC consists of 12 Tribal government leaders (either elected or appointed), one from each of the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Regional Areas.
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women Tribal Leaders Council Members
Name | Role | BIA Region |
Tracy Charles-Smith | President, Native Village of Dot Lake | Alaska Region |
Beverly Cook | Tribal Chief, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe | Eastern Region |
Jennifer Woods | Tribal Council Member and Chaplain, District 6, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma | Eastern Oklahoma Region |
Isaac Smith | Vice Chairman, Winnebago Tribes of Nebraska | Great Plains Region |
Shannon Holsey | President, Mohican Nation Stockbridge-Munsee Band | Midwest Region |
Eugenia Charles Newton | Council Delegate (Shiprock), Navajo Nation | Navajo Region |
Juana Majel-Dixon | Traditional Legislative Council, Pauma Band of Luiseno Indians | Pacific Region |
Dana Buckles | Councilman, Tribal Executive Board, Fort Peck Tribe | Rocky Mountain Region |
Julie Zahn | Tribal Council Member- At Large, Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana | Southern Plains Region |
Jenelle Roybal | Governor, Pojoaque Pueblo | Southwest Region |
Amelia Flores | Chairwoman, Colorado River Indian Tribes | Western Region |
Antonette Squally | Vice Chairman, Nisqually Indian Tribe | Northwest Region |