Press Release
Department of Justice Recognizes District of Massachusetts Employees for Superior Performance
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Massachusetts
BOSTON – Two members of the U.S. Attorney’s Office were recognized today by the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA) at the 33nd Annual Director’s Awards Ceremony in Washington D.C.
Strategic Engagement and Law Enforcement Coordinator Brandy Donini-Melanson and Assistant United States Attorney Stephanie Siegmann were among the 179 members of the Department of Justice recognized during a ceremony at the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building.
In his prepared remarks, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein told the awardees: “These 179 award recipients embody the best of the Department of Justice.… Today’s honorees have earned the esteem of their colleagues. But most importantly, you have earned the gratitude of your fellow citizens — whose communities you have made safer, whose lives you have improved, and whose trust you have rewarded. ”
“Each and every day, the employees of the U.S. Attorney’s Office demonstrate exceptional dedication to serving the communities of Massachusetts,” said Acting United States Attorney William D. Weinreb. “Their work is focused on preventing crime and developing strong stakeholder groups to address pertinent law enforcement issues. I am honored to work alongside these committed public servants whose collective accomplishments are nothing short of exceptional.”
Brandy Donini-Melanson received the award for Superior Performance in Administration for her ongoing coordination and engagement in violent extremism prevention. Ms. Donini-Melanson spent months coordinating perspectives from over 40 stakeholders in Massachusetts in order to draft a multi-disciplinary framework to address prevention and intervention of violent extremism. The Framework, a consensus document, provides collective insight on what it means to counter violent extremism and the types of activities that may reduce incidents. Ms. Donini-Melanson has spoken to numerous local and national audiences about prevention approaches and the Framework, which is one of very few in the United States. She has worked tirelessly to advocate the message of the multi-disciplinary collaborative and to promote the involvement of public health and behavioral health perspectives in the process. Ms. Donini-Melanson has not allowed obstacles to discourage her from increasing awareness about violent extremism and the ways in which a range of stakeholders can engage to prevent it.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephanie Siegmann received the Award for Superior Performance for her nationally recognized success in the area of counterproliferation. As the Export Control Coordinator for the District of Massachusetts, Ms. Siegmann has been singularly effective in coordinating the efforts of law enforcement, regulatory, and intelligence agencies in combatting the illegal export of controlled technologies and munitions. The Massachusetts Counter-Proliferation Working Group, which she chairs and was instrumental in founding, has become a national model for inter-agency cooperation in the counterproliferation arena and an important factor in the development of a series of important export control prosecutions. In her thirteen years as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, Ms. Siegmann has become a nationally recognized leader in the Department’s counterproliferation efforts and a frequent lecturer on export control and related issues.
EOUSA provides oversight, general executive assistance, and direction to the 94 United States Attorneys’ offices around the country. For more information on EOUSA and its mission, visit
Updated June 16, 2017
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