U.S. v. Microsoft Corporation [Browser and Middleware]
Frequently requested documents:
Review of the Final Judgments by the United States and New York Group (August 30, 2007)
Modified Final Judgment (September 7, 2006)
Court of Appeals Opinion (June 30, 2004)
Final Judgment (November 12, 2002)
Court's Findings of Fact (November 5, 1999)
On other pages:
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Related pages:
Supreme Court Filings
Brief of the United States in Opposition to Microsoft's Petition for a Writ of Certiorari (August 31, 2001)
Brief for the United States on Petition for a Writ of Certiorari (August 22, 2000)
Brief for the United States in Response to the Jurisdictional Statement (August 15, 2000)
Scheduling Letter to Clerk of the Supreme Court (June 22, 2000)
Appeals Court Filings
Opinion (June 30, 2004)
Brief for the United States (August 6, 2003)
Response of the United States to Petitions for Permission to Appeal (January 27, 2003)
Appellees' Response to Microsoft's Motion for Stay of the Mandate Pending Petition for Writ of Certiorari (August 10, 2001)
Appellees' Response to Petition for Rehearing (July 26, 2001)
Appellees' Motion for Immediate Issuance of Mandate (July 13, 2001)
Opinion (June 28, 2001)
Brief for Appellees United States and the State Plaintiffs - Final Version (February 9, 2001)
Joint Proposal for the Format of Oral Argument (February 2, 2001)
Brief for Appellees United States and the State Plaintiffs (January 12, 2001)
Appellees' Motion to File Joint Brief (November 22, 2000)
Appellees' Joint Response to Motions Regarding Amicus Participation (October 30, 2000)
Plaintiffs' Joint Response to the Court's Request for the Parties' Views Regarding the Proposed Review Session (October 25, 2000)
Response of United States of America and the Plaintiff States to Microsoft's Motion for an Order Governing Further Proceedings (October 3, 2000)
Brief For Appellee United States Of America : Microsoft Corp. V. U.S., Microsoft Corp. V. State Of New York, Ex Rel (October 20, 1998)
District Court Filings
Post-Liability Judgment Filings
Remedies Papers (Spring 2000)
Other Government Filings (includes original Complaint)
Other Microsoft Cases
- Other Offenses: Compliance Proceeding
- Software Publishers