Community Outreach
The United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York (USAO-EDNY) takes every available opportunity to communicate with its citizens. Our outreach efforts include participation in a variety of events to promote DOJ mission specific topics. The Office’s Community Resource Specialist and other USAO personnel work with many agencies and organizations to enhance public safety through community outreach and help make our district safer and more secure.
Providing Federal Information to the Community
USAO-EDNY staff members are often requested to present on matters of public interest, agency objectives, leadership, and special initiatives. Speakers participate in panel discussions, public presentations and special appearances.
To request a speaker, or for any inquiries about our programs, please email:
Project Safe Neighborhoods
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), which was first initiated in 2001 by the Department of Justice, is a nationwide commitment to reduce gun and gang crime in America by networking existing local programs and providing these programs with additional tools. The Office has partnered with the district attorney’s offices in Queens, Kings and Nassau Counties to work to reduce and prevent gun violence. Learn more
Project Safe Childhood
Project Safe Childhood is a unified and comprehensive strategy to combat child exploitation. Initiated in May 2006 by the Department of Justice, Project Safe Childhood combines law enforcement efforts, community action, and public awareness. The Office has partnered with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children on multiple occasions to provide valuable child safety training to federal, state, and local law enforcement as well as participated in local community events to raise awareness. Learn more
Youth Mentorship
USAO-EDNY is committed to the education of our youth, and staff members work with many local schools in our district in a variety of ways including mentoring, coaching moot court teams, and delivering presentations on topics such as civil rights, the dangers of prescription drug abuse and internet safety.
National Night Out
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, better places to live. It takes place annually on the first Tuesday in August. USAO-EDNY participates in many neighborhood events throughout the district each year.
Reentry programs and reentry courts are designed to help returning individuals successfully "reenter" society following their incarceration. The aims of reentry programs include reducing recidivism, improving public safety, and saving the taxpayers money. A primary focus of USAO-EDNY’s reentry efforts is to remove or reduce barriers to successful reentry, so that our returning community members, who have served their time and paid their debt to society, are able to compete for and obtain good jobs, attain stable housing, support their children and families, and contribute to and reengage in our community.
Opioid Epidemic
USAO-EDNY is committed to using every available tool in our arsenal to combat the opioid epidemic. Our goal is to prevent the proliferation of these dangerous drugs by working closely with our law enforcement partners, community groups, educators, service providers and various task forces, including High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Task Forces, and Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) to reduce supply and decrease demand, promote awareness of the dangers of opioids, share information, and coordinate training related to opioids. USAO-EDNY sincerely hopes that this multifaceted approach to the opioid epidemic will ultimately save lives.
Elder Justice
Protecting our seniors from financial fraud is a key priority of USAO-EDNY. In June 2019, the Attorney General announced the establishment of the Transnational Elder Fraud Strike Force. The Eastern District of New York was one of six U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to be selected to be a part of this joint law enforcement effort that brings together the resources and expertise of the Department of Justice’s Consumer Protection Branch, the FBI, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and other organizations. The Strike Force focuses on investigating and prosecuting individuals and entities associated with foreign-based fraud schemes that disproportionately affect American seniors. These include telemarketing, mass-mailing, and tech-support fraud schemes. Together with our federal, state, local, and tribal partners, USAO-EDNY is committed to combatting all forms of elder abuse and financial exploitation through enforcement actions, training and resources, victim services, and public awareness.
Select materials on elder fraud include: