Victim & Witness Services
The Office’s Victim and Witness Coordinator provides important services to victims and witnesses of federal crimes, including providing information about compensation for expenses and court-ordered restitution.
SDNY Victim and Witness Coordinator
United States Attorney's Office
26 Federal Plaza, 37th Floor
New York, New York 10278
Victim Services
The Office is committed to protecting the rights of crime victims. If you are a victim of a crime being prosecuted by our Office, our Victim and Witness Unit can make sure that you are notified of important stages of the case and can help refer you to other agencies that provide important services, including compensation and counseling. Learn about your rights as a victim
Case Updates
In general, the Government attempts to identify each victim in a given case, and to provide those victims with the information relevant to the case through the Department of Justice’s Victim Notification System. In cases where, due to the number of victims involved, or for other reasons, such notification is impracticable, the Government may use other methods to communicate with victims, including posting relevant information online. Click on the links below for more detailed information about specific cases:
- United States v. Kwon, 23 Cr. 151 (PAE) (Terraform Labs Fraud)
- United States v. Le Van Hung, a/k/a “Hung Van Le,” a/k/a “Van Hung Le,” 21 Cr. 322
- United States v. Kyle Tsui, 20cr47 (KMK)
- US v. Garrison, 23-CR-597 (LAK)
- United States v. James Nicholson, 04 Cr. 414 (RJS)
- United States v. Robert Piaro, 23 Cr. 420 (AS) (Telemarketing/PAC Fraud)
- United States v. Richard Zeitlin, 23 Cr. 419 (LAK) (Telemarketing/PAC Fraud)
- U.S. v. Robert W. Lederhilger III, 23 Cr. 116 (ALC)
- US v. Miles Guo, Kin Ming Je, and Yvette Wang, 23 Cr. 118 (AT)
- United States v. Michael Brown & Andrew Lloyd (MyScore), 20 Cr. 524 (KPF)
- United States v. Eddy Alexandre
- U.S. v. David Carmona, et al., 22 Cr. 551 (JLR) (IcomTech)
- United States v. Samuel Bankman-Fried, a/k/a “SBF,” 22 Cr. 673 (LAK)
- United States v. Ruja Ignatova et al, and Gilbert Armenta
- United States v. Aviram Azari
- DOJ Opens Pattern or Practice Investigation into the Mount Vernon Police Department
- U.S. v. Gutemberg Dos Santos et al., 20 Cr. 398 (GBD) (Airbit Club)
- United States v. Petit, 19 Cr. 850 (JSR)
- U.S. v. Robert Hadden
- United States v. Kolfage, et al.
- United States v. Ghislaine Maxwell
- U.S. v. Bernard L. Madoff and related cases
- United States v. Constantinescu et al., 19 Cr. 651 (LTS) (Updated 9/7/2021)
- United States v. Bernard Ebbers
- United States v. Jeffrey Epstein
- United States v. William Tierney
- United States v. JP Morgan Chase NA
- United States v. St. Lawrence, et al., 16 Cr. 259 (CS)
- United States v. Michael Mendlowitz & Richard D. Hart, 17 Cr. 248 (VSB)
- U.S. v. Pokerstars et al., 11 Civ. 2564 (LBS) (including Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker)
- Operation Ghost Click
- United States v. Richard Moseley, 16 Cr. 079 (ER)
- United States v. Travell Thomas, et al., S4 15 Cr. 667 (KPF)
- United States v. General Motors Company (“GM”)
- United States v. Alex Yücel, S1 13 Cr. 834
- U.S. v. Toyota Corporation
- U.S. v. Chan Ming Fon
- U.S. v. Tsastsin et al., S2 11 Cr. 878 (LAK)
- U.S. v. Anuradha Saad & Richard Adelson (Impath, Inc.)
U.S. v. Myron Olesnyckyi (Monster) (PDF)
- U.S. v. Ian Stuart
- U.S. v. Mario S. Levis
- U.S. v. Joseph P. Collins
- U.S. v. Avi Ayache et al.
- U.S. v. All Right, Title and Interest of Assa Corp.
- U.S. v. James Nicholson
- Mount Vernon Money Center (MVMC)
- Specialist Cases
- U.S. v. Scott Tucker
Additional Resources
Witness Services
If you have been notified that you are required to appear as a witness for the Government in a case or other legal proceeding being handled by this Office, the Victim/Witness Unit will make arrangements for your travel and lodging, which we will prepay. If you are coming from outside the local court area, you should not make travel arrangements yourself.
- Instructions for Witnesses Appearing on Behalf of the United States Government (PDF)
Victim/Witness Brochure (PDF).
If you believe a Department of Justice employee failed to provide crime victim rights, you may submit a complaint form.
- Complaint Form (English)
- Complaint Form (Español)
If after submitting a Complaint Form you continue to believe an employee of the Department of Justice has failed to provide the rights established under the Crime Victims Rights Act of 2004, 18 U.S.C. § 3771, you may file a complaint with the Office of the Victims’ Rights Ombudsman of the Department of Justice:
Ellen M. FitzGerald (
Victims’ Rights Ombudsman
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
Department of Justice
RFK Main Justice Building
950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Room 2261
Washington, DC 20530-0001