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Region 2

U.S. Trustee Program - Region 2


The United States Trustee Program (USTP) is the component of the U.S. Department of Justice that supervises the administration of bankruptcy cases. The United States Trustee for Region 2 serves the federal judicial districts established for New York, Connecticut and Vermont. The regional office is located in Manhattan, NY. 

U.S. Trustee Program Region 2

William K. Harrington
United States Trustee

Office of the U.S. Trustee

Email UST - Region 2

Important Notices

Connecticut Housing and Utilities Standards Change

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Effective May 15, 2024, the Housing and Utilities Standards for Connecticut shall be broken down by planning regions rather than counties, to reflect the Census Bureau’s use of the State of Connecticut’s nine Regional Councils of Government, or Planning Regions, as the county equivalent for purposes of the statistical data that informs the Housing and Utilities Standards. For more information, visit the United States Census Bureau Website, found here, or the State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management Website, which has a map of the Planning Regions and Regional Councils of Government, as well as a chart of the 169 municipalities in alphabetical order and the corresponding planning region and council of government.

U.S. Trustee Program to Implement Virtual Section 341 Meetings of Creditors Nationwide

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Pursuant to its authority under 11 U.S.C. §§ 341(a) and 343, Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2003, and other authorities, the U.S. Trustee Program (“USTP”) will implement virtual section 341 meetings of creditors (“341 meetings”) via Zoom for all chapter 7, 12, and 13 cases in all USTP jurisdictions.

These virtual 341 meetings via Zoom will be implemented on a rolling basis through early 2024. Debtors and other interested parties should follow the instructions provided in the 341 meeting notice they receive from the court, as well as additional instructions provided by the trustee assigned to the debtor’s case, to determine the proper procedures for connecting to the meeting. Please refer to the USTP’s Section 341 Meeting of Creditors Information page for further information, including links to each district’s USTP Local 341 Meeting of Creditors Information page.

The USTP’s transition to video 341 meetings will foster greater participation, result in substantial cost and time efficiencies for debtors and creditors, and better ensure the efficiency and integrity of the bankruptcy system. Once implemented, the U.S. Trustee may approve alternative arrangements for 341 meetings when extenuating circumstances exist that preclude a debtor’s attendance by video. In addition, in rare cases, the U.S. Trustee may determine that an in-person 341 meeting is necessary.