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CRM 1000-1499

1455. Gangs And Gang-related Youth Violence -- Resource Materials

/node/313916Substantive discussions of the statutes that may be used in gang cases are found elsewhere in the JM.

§ 9-110.000 (Organized crime and racketeering offenses including RICO, VCAR, ITAR, and Murder-For-Hire) JM 9-110.000

§ 9-131.000E (Hobbs Act) JM 9-131.000

§ 9-105.000 (Money Laundering) JM 9-105.000

§ 9-60.1000 (Carjacking) JM 9-60.1000

§ 9-63.500 (Firearms offenses) JM 9-63.500

§ 9-63.900 (Explosives offenses) JM 9-63.900

§ 9-61.600 (Bank robbery) JM 9-61.600

§ 9-60.100 (Kidnapping) JM 9-60.100

§ 9-60.500 (Criminal solicitation) JM 9-60.500

§ 9-73.200 (Reentry after deportation) JM 9-73.200

§ 9-69.100 (Obstruction of justice) JM 9-69.100

§ 9-69.300 (Prison offenses) JM 9-69.300

Another valuable resource is The Federal Crimes of Violence Manual, published as part of the Office of Legal Education's Litigation Series, and available in USABook format, which includes chapters on "Charging Decisions" (Chapter 4); and "Gang Investigations and Prosecutions" (Chapter 6); "Overview of the Federal Death Penalty" (Chapter 8); "Step by Step to Federal Proceedings Against Juveniles" (Chapter 10); "Federal Prosecutions of Juveniles" (Chapter 11); and "The Use of a Criminal as a Witness" (Chapter 12).

The "Gang Investigations and Prosecutions" chapter mentioned above includes discussions of the following topics:

  • formation of the investigative plan
  • forming the task force
  • marshalling all available information
  • developing an investigative-specific database
  • targeting juvenile gang members
  • specific investigative techniques
  • proving gang membership
  • police officers and gang members as experts
  • trial issues
  • witness/jury intimidation
  • DOJ resources.

Finally, an additional resource which is available detailed checklist for investigating and prosecuting murders committed by criminal organizations. Although, it focuses on gang-related murder cases, it has a broader utility and could be useful for every Assistant United States Attorney involved in gang prosecutions. Its author, Robert Lipman of the Narcotic, Federal Homicide and Dangerous Drugs Section, can be reached at (202) 514-0950.

[cited in JM 9-63.1200]