U.S. Attorneys' Manual
EOUSA Resource Manual
85. Sexual Orientation Complaints—Representation and Official Time
- At any stage in the processing of a complaint of discrimination or harassment because of sexual orientation, including the counseling stage, the complainant is entitled to be accompanied, represented, and advised by a representative of complainant's choice.
- If the complainant is an employee of the Department, he or she shall have a reasonable amount of official time, if otherwise on duty, to prepare the complaint and to respond to agency requests for information. If the complainant is an employee of the Department and designates another employee of the Department as representative, the representative shall similarly have a reasonable amount of official time, if otherwise on duty, to prepare the complaint and to respond to agency requests for information.
- The agency is not obligated to change work schedules, incur overtime costs, or pay travel expenses to facilitate the choice of a specific representative or to allow the complainant and representative to confer.
[cited in USAM 3-5.211]