Western District of Washington
About the District
U.S. Attorney Tessa M. Gorman is the chief federal law enforcement officer in Western Washington. The U.S. Attorney’s Office enforces the federal criminal laws of the United States by directing investigations and prosecuting cases developed by a network of state, local, and federal law enforcement officers and agencies. The Office also fills an important role as legal counsel for the United States government including federal agencies involved in litigation. The U.S. Attorney’s Office does critical work on Civil Rights – both protecting the rights of residents under federal statutes, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, and prosecuting hate crimes and color of law violations by law enforcement.
You can review our 2024 Report to the Community here.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office and Department of Justice prioritize community safety. We have active programs to combat gun violence, keep children safe from online predators, and protect our elderly. Western Washington is a tech hub, with significant cases involving cybercrime and computer hacking. Much of our work involving organized criminal gangs is aimed at stopping the flow of deadly fentanyl into our area.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office leads one of the first federal drug courts in the United States designed to divert those with substance abuse disorder from the criminal justice system. We pursue a variety of programs to facilitate re-entry of those who are incarcerated back into our communities.
On our website you can learn much more about the important work of the attorneys and professional staff working at the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Meet the U.S. Attorney
Tessa M. Gorman
U.S. Attorney
Seattle: (206) 553-7970
Fax: (206) 553-0882