Violations In Yellowstone And Grand Teton National Parks And In Other Federal Enclaves

The United States Attorney’s Office prosecutes misdemeanors and other petty offenses in the National Parks, and in other federal enclaves in the District of Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Medicine Bow National Forest, Shoshone National Forest, Bridger-Teton National Forest, the National Elk Refuge, F.E. Warren Air Force Base, etc. Typically, a violation notice is issued by a ranger or other law enforcement officer when an individual is found to have violated a provision of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), other regulations, or a law where the offense is categorized as a petty misdemeanor. Most violation notices require payment of a fine with no appearance in court and most individuals pay the fine in a timely manner.
The United States Attorney’s Office becomes involved only when:
(1) The nature of the violation requires the individual to make a personal appearance in court
(2) A violation notice fine has not been paid by the established deadline
(3) An individual has not satisfied the mandatory appearance requirement
(4) An individual wants the opportunity to contest the violation
(5) Individuals have other questions.
For us to be able to assist you better, we need some important information which you can find on your violation notice:
- The violation number (7-digit number).
- Your name as it appears on the violation notice.
- The CVB location code. Here is a sample, which shows where to find this information. The codes are shown below.*
- Your full name (if different than that which appears on the violation notice).
- Telephone number or e-mail address in the event we need to contact you later if the information you seek is not readily available.
*The CVB location code should indicate in which Park or area the violation notice was issued. (The most cited are: WYNP = Yellowstone National Park; WGT = Grand Teton National Park; WY4 = Forest Service, Jackson Ranger District; WY5 = Bridger-Teton National Forest; VACH = VA Medical Center in Cheyenne; VASH = VA Medical Center in Sheridan; WBL_ = Bureau of Land Management area; WAFB = F.E. Warren Air Force Base; WER = National Elk Refuge; WDT = Devils Tower National Monument)
If you or your attorney needs to contact us about a violation notice, call one the following offices:
Yellowstone Office: (866) 835-9525
Violations arising from Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, the National Elk Refuge or Bridger-Teton National Forest. Please note that the number of violations significantly increases in the summer, which may cause a delay in the response time.
Lander Office: (307) 332-8195 or (888) 266-1309
Violations arising from the Shoshone National Forest
Casper Office at (307) 261-5434 or (800) 809-7066
Violations arising from Devils Tower National Monument, Big Horn National Forest, Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area, and the Sheridan Veterans Administration Hospital.
Cheyenne Office: (307) 772-2124 or (800) 836-5801
Violations arising from Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest, Cheyenne Veterans Administration Hospital, F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) areas and any other federal area not specified above.