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Victim Notification

After the defendant is charged with a federal crime, victims are entitled to be notified of public court proceedings. In most instances, victims will receive an initial letter from the U.S. Attorney’s Office and subsequent letters as case events warrant. Occasionally, in cases involving large numbers of victims, alternative notification procedures may be used. We have developed a dedicated web page for this purpose: Status of Cases Involving Large Numbers of Victims

In addition to receiving notifications from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, victims may:

  • Call the Victim Notification System (VNS) center at (866) 365-4968 for recorded information about the status of a case, using the Victim Identification Number (VIN) and Personal Identification Number (PIN) provided in our initial letter.
  • Visit VNS’s Website VNS to check the status of a case, using the VIN and PIN provided in our initial letter.
  • Access the U.S. District Court’s website at any federal court in Wyoming or through a PACER account. To set up an account call (800) 676-9856 or register at: There is no charge to establish an account or view a list of documents.  Documents cost $.10 per page to view or print, but users who accumulate less than $10 a year in fees are not charged.
  • Contact a staff member of the Victim Witness Program.
  • If a defendant has been incarcerated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, further information may be obtained from the Bureau of Prisons website at: Click on Inmates/Find an Inmate.

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Updated April 25, 2023