ASCAP and BMI Consent Decree Review Public Comments 2014
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers/Broadcast Music, Inc.
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Public Comments
As part of its review of the ASCAP and BMI consent decrees, the Antitrust Division invited the public to submit comments relevant to whether the consent decrees continue to protect competition. The comment period ended August 6, 2014. This page contains links to all of the submitted comments.
Comments Submitted by Organizations
American Beverage Licensees
American Society of Association Executives
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
The Association of Independent Music Publishers
The Bicycle Music Company
Broadcast Music, Inc.
Church Music Publisher’s Association
Computer & Communications Industry Association
Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Auteurs et Compositeurs (CISAC)
Consumer Electronics Association
Consumer Federation of America
Council of Music Creators
CTIA-The Wireless Association
Digital Media Association
Downtown Music Publishing, LLC
Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association
Future of Music Coalition
The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers
Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc.
Louisiana Restaurant Association
Michigan Society of Association Executives
Music Asset Management, Inc.
Music Choice
Music Managers’ Forum
Nashville Songwriters Association International
The National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences
National Association of Broadcasters
National Music Publishers’ Association
National Public Radio, Inc. (NPR)
National Religious Broadcasters Music License Committee
Netflix, Inc.
Oklahoma Restaurant Association andd Oklahoma Hotel and Lodging Association
olé Media Management
Pandora Media, Inc.
Performing Right Society Limited
Production Music Association
Public Knowledge
Radio Music License Committee, Inc. and The Television Music License Committee, LLC
Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAGAFTRA)
Società Itiliana degli Autori ed Editori (SIAE)
Society of Composers and Lyricists (SCL)
The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN)
Songwriters Guild of America, Inc.
Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Spirit Music Group
União Brasileira de Compositores (UBC)
Universal Music Publishing Group
Comments Submitted by Individuals
Abrams, Donald
Adams, PJ
Adler, Manny
Alderman, Larry
Ambrose, Barton
Anderson, R. Roger
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 3
Anonymous 4
Arnot, Thomas D.
Ashton, John
Askew, Donald, Jr.
August, Scott
B., Scott
Bailey, Jerry
Baish, Joshua
Banjo Phaser A Music
Batchman, Laura
Bellm, Rick
Bernstein, Mark
Bertolozzi, Joseph
Biederer, Frank
Bitan, Melissa Charsette
Brabec, Todd and Jeffery Brabec
Brisebois, Danielle
Camayd, Julia
Campolo, Nick
Canatz, S.
Castaldi, Don
Catania, Cynthia
Carmer, Jason
Chase, Nicholas
Child, Desmond
Clark, Ed
Coleman, Alisa
Corn, Jeffers
Corton, Monica
Cravis, Steven
Crosby, Justin
Curry, Nathan
Dahlen, Thomas A.
Davis, Terry
Dewey, Melanie
Doe, John
Douglas, Tom
DuBois, Cece
Edwards, Christine
Elliott, Alan
Einhorn, Michael
Ernst, Jon
Ethridge, Melissa, et al.
Fantasia, Phil
Feyne, Stephanie
Flanigan, Michael
George, Alton
Giesing, Karl
Gilman, Josh
Girrbach, Tim
Godfrey, Bill
Gold, Jon
Gouch, Tiffany
Graf, Heidi
Greenberg, Michael
Grower, Julie
Gruss, Josh
Hansen, Marty
Hatfield, Ken
Hauser, Mike
Henderson, S.D.
Henry, Robert (June 16, 2014)
Henry, Robert (August 6, 2014)
Hitt, Teri
Holdren, Roy
Hook, Gary
Houser, David
Houston, Brett
Hughes, Bruce
Jackson, Michael C.
Jared, Steve
Johnson, George
Kahlia, Kipp
Karmen, Steve
Kay, Dean
Kelly, Yahyaa
Kersey, Sean
Knepper, Marie-Therese
Kramer, Bernadette
Kusz, Merry
Laird, Luke
Lambert, Dennis
Lampasone, Donald
LaPolt, Dina
LeBron, Graham
Leon, David
Limas-West, Joanna
Lisbeth, Laura
Love, Doug
Lowery, David
Luboff, Pete and Pat Luboff
Malekasalehi, Shahin Niko
Malik, Ammar
Maman, Benza
Martin, Mary
Mayo, Gfire
McGinnis, Michael
McKenzie, Miles
Meads, Phil
Melton, Jimmy
Mendelsohn, Ron
Mergler, Michael
Merola, Steve
Michaels, JD
Midkiff, Thomas
Mobley, Josh
Morrow, James Curtis
Moyer, Reese
Muddiman, Helene
Mueller, Paul
Naster, Shane
Neumann, Kurt
Nichols, Janine
Nichols, John
Ojeda, Uma
Olmeda, Carlitos
Pangasa, Maneesh
Pile, Tom
Polin, Steve
Powell, Paul
Price, David
Prickett, Bill
Ramsey, Eric
Reeves, Sam
Regan, Bob
Reidel, Ivan A.
Rial, Robert
Rickard, Keats
Rosengarden, Neil
Rosenwald, John
Ruiz, Christopher
Rutan, Charlie
Schmitt, Dan
Schweitzer, Marsha
Seiy, Dan
Seyferth, Brandon
Shapiro, Steve
Shimizu, Bob
Siman, Scott
Simmons, Daniel
Simmons, M.H.
Simpson, Bland
Smeets, Robert
Smith, Adam
Smith, Dimitri
Smith, Phil
Smith, Timothy Ray
Story, Fred
Summa, Richard
Swierczek, Remi
Terrell, Joseph
Thomas, George
Titus, Alan
Torpey, Everett
Toste, Jeff
Tough, David
Ursic, A.J., Jr.
Wasinger, Tom
West, Corinne
White, Angela Rose
Winogradsky, Steve
Wissinger, Kathleen