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Criminal Resource Manual

Criminal Resource Manual 701-799

1-99 | 101 | 201 | 301 | 401 | 501 | 601 | 701 | 801 | 901 |
1001 | 1101 | 1201 | 1301 | 1401 | 1501 | 1601 | 1701 | 1801 | 1901 |
2001 | 2101 | 2201 | 2301 | 2401
  cited in
701. Procedures for Securing Witness Protection 9-21.400
702. Use of Relocated Witnesses or Former Protected Witnesses as Informants 9-21.800
703. Utilization of Persons in Custody of BOP or USMS for Investigative Purposes, or as Targets of Investigative Activity 9-21.050
704. Utilization of BOP Employees for Investigative Purposes 9-21.050
705. Witness Services 9-21.500
706. Subsistence Guidelines 9-21.500
707. Employment of Protected Witnesses 9-21.500
708. Prisoner-Witnesses  
709. Arrest of Relocated Witnesses 9-21.1000
710. Release Form——Psychological Evaluation 9-21.330
711. Release Form——Polygraph Examination 9-21.340
712. Pretrial Diversion 9-22.200
713. USA Form 185——Letter to Offender 712
714. USA Form 184——Pretrial Diversion Referral Letter to Chief Pretrial Services Officer 712
715. USA Form 186——Pretrial Diversion Agreement 712
716. Use Immunity, Transactional Immunity, Informal Immunity, Derivative Use 9-23.100
717. Transactional Immunity Distinguished  
718. Derivative Use Immunity  
719. Informal Immunity Distinguished From Formal Immunity 9-23.100
720. Authorization Procedure for Immunity Requests 9-23.110; 9-23.130
721. Witness Immunity 9-23.130; 720
722. Letter of Authority 9-23.250; 720
723. Procedure Upon Receipt of Letter of Authority -- Obtaining the Court Order 9-23.130; 720
724. Expiration of Authority to Compel 9-23.130; 720
725. Use of Immunized Testimony by Sentencing Court 9-23.130; 720
726. Steps to Avoid Taint 9-23.130; 720
727. Civil Contempt 9-23.130; 720
728. Criminal Contempt 9-23.130; 720
729. Instructions for Completing Form 792——Report on Convicted Prisoners by United States Attorney 9-34.000
730. Form 792-- Report on Convicted Prisoners by United States Attorney 9-34.000
731. Purpose and Benefits of the International Prisoner Transfer Program 9-35.010
732. Eligibility for Prisoner Transfer 9-35.010; 733
733. The Prisoner Transfer Determination 9-35.010
734. Processing of Prisoner Transfer Requests 9-35.010
735. Effect of Prisoner Transfer and Administration of the Transferred Sentence 9-35.010
736. Reconsideration of Prisoner Transfer Requests 9-35.010
737. Role of the United States Attorneys' Offices and Law Enforcement Agencies in the Transfer Process 9-35.010
738. Sample Form Used by the IPTU to Obtain the Views of the United States Attorneys' Offices 9-35.010; 737
739. March 14, 2012, Memorandum from AAG Breuer to All United States Attorneys' Offices 9-35.010; 737
740. Limitations on the United States Attorneys' Offices Regarding Oral and Written Promises of Transfer and Transfer Related Provisions Placed in Plea Agreements 9-35.010; 9-35.200;
737; 739; 742
741. Consent Verification Hearings 9-35.010; 9-35.100;
734; 737; 739
742. Relationship of Prisoner Transfer to Extradition 9-35.010; 739
743. Role of the States in the Transfer Process 9-35.010
744. Countries Having a Prisoner Transfer Relationship with the United States 9-35.010; 731
745. Protocol for the Effective Handling of Collateral Attacks on Convictions Brought Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2241 9-37.000
752. General Definition of Contempt 9-39.000
753. Elements of the Offense of Contempt 9-39.000
754. Criminal Versus Civil Contempt 9-39.000
755. Tests for Distinguishing Between Civil and Criminal Contempt——Nature of Relief Sought 9-39.000
756. Tests for Distinguishing Between Civil and Criminal Contempt——Mechanical Distinction 9-39.000
757. Tests for Distinguishing Between Civil and Criminal Contempt——Purging 9-39.000; 772
758. Characterization of the Action When Both Criminal and Civil Contempts Elements are Present 9-39.000
759. Indirect Versus Direct Contempt 9-39.000
760. Indirect Criminal Contempt——Institution of the Action 9-39.000
761. Indirect Criminal Contempt——Federal Jurisdiction and Venue 9-39.000
762. Indirect Criminal Contempt——Notice Under Rule 42(b) of the Rules of Criminal Procedure 9-39.000
763. Indirect Criminal Contempt——Probable Cause of a Willful Violation 9-39.000
764. Indirect Criminal Contempt——Necessity of a Demand for Compliance With the Decree 9-39.000; 773
765. Indirect Criminal Contempt——Use of a Single Petition to Institute Both a Civil and Criminal Contempt Action 9-39.000
766. Indirect Criminal Contempt——Role of the Grand Jury 9-39.000
767. Indirect Criminal Contempt——Persons Against Whom the Action May Be Commenced 9-39.000
768. Indirect Criminal Contempt——Role of the Prosecutor 9-39.000; 754
769. Defenses——Negation of Essential Elements 9-39.000
770. Defenses——Statute of Limitations 9-39.000
771. Defenses——Good Faith Reliance Upon the Advice of Counsel 9-39.000
772. Defenses——Purging 9-39.000
773. Defenses——Failure to Attempt to Obtain Compliance Prior to Filing 9-39.000
774. Defenses——Violation of an Invalid Decree 9-39.000
775. Defenses——Inability Versus Refusal to Comply 9-39.000
776. Consolidation for Trial of Issues in Civil and Criminal Contempt Proceedings 9-39.000
777. Right to Counsel 9-39.000
778. Privilege Against Self-Incrimination 9-39.000
779. Burden of Proof in a Criminal Contempt Action 9-39.000
780. Direct Contempt——Witness's Refusal to Obey Court Order to Testify at Trial Versus Witness's Refusal to Obey Court Order to Testify Before a Grand Jury 9-39.000
781. Direct Contempt——Necessity of Warning of Contemptuous Conduct 9-39.000
782. Direct Contempt——Summary Punishment at the End of Trial-Judicial Bias 9-39.000
783. Direct Contempt——Certification of Judge Under Rule 42(a) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 9-39.000
784. Least Possible Power Rule 9-39.000
785. Jury Trial 9-39.000
786. Public Trial 9-39.000
787. Double Jeopardy 9-39.000
788. Sentencing——Effect of 18 U.S.C. § 401 on the Appropriate Fine or Imprisonment 9-39.000
789. Sentencing——Discretion with Respect to the Appropriate Fine or Imprisonment 9-39.000
790. Appeal 9-39.000
791. Retroactivity of Amendments to 28 U.S.C. § 2255  
792. Incentives for Subjects and Targets of Criminal Investigations and Defendants in Criminal Cases to Provide Foreign Intelligence Information 9-27.120